Today I am going to write about the "Next" and "Previous"
Functions available with Crystal Reports. As their names describe the
intent of these functions is to provide you a value of your selected
field for either the Next or the Previous record as shown in your
For example if I wanted to determine the number of days it has been
since a History record has been written against an Account in
SalesLogix, I could use these two functions along with the DateDiff
function to organize our data. Let me give you an idea of how!
First, create a SalesLogix report with the History table. Make sure
to create two groups, group 1 is for the Account Name - sorted
ascending, group 2 is by History Complete Date - sorted ascending by
second. The group level fields are used in the report. Use your
Section Expert to have group1 overlay group2. Set the fields in the two
groups so they would line up into columns if they were next to each
other. Also, I suggest suppressing all group footers and the detail
section in your report.
Now create a formula field called "Next" and add the following formula:
This formula states if
the current records Account Name does not equal the next records Account
name then do not show the next records Complete date. If you do
not include the account comparison in the formula then "Next" will
display a value for the next record even if it is not from the same
Add this field anywhere in History Group 2. If you put this field by
the complete date you will see that the field displays the date of the
next records complete date. The last record under the group for the
Account will be blank. What I want is this last History record that
was added for this Account and none of the others so I will use this
blank field to my advantage. My group 2 suppression formula looks
something like this.
This should bring you down to just one record per account. Since
none of the data showing has a "Next" value so remove that field from
the report.
Let's go ahead and create another field called "Previous" using the following formula:
This field is very similar to the "Next". Add this field to the
report and you will see that you now have the date of the previous
History record. If the value is blank then there is not a previous
record in the system
So you now know the Complete date of the last History record along
with the Complete Date of record prior to the last History record, but
how long has it been since the last History record? Create one final
formula field called "Days Since" using this formula:
DateDiff ("d",{HISTORY.COMPLETEDDATE},CurrentDate)
Add this to your group 2 and you will have all the information you need to see what Accounts are in need of some attention.
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